Wednesday, October 1, 2014

How Feline AIDS Affects The Health Of Your Cat

One of the most lethal diseases that can afflict a pet cat is feline AIDS. Feline Immunodeficiency Virus or FIV is quite similar to the human HIV in many ways.

  1. The immune system is compromised. Once the cat has been infected with the virus, your pet is unable to fight diseases even those which can easily be recovered from when the cat is healthy.
  2. By just looking at it, you cannot really tell if your cat has FIV. It appears that your pet is healthy but actually it has already contracted the virus. The virus stays dormant for quite some time once it has entered the bloodstream of your cat before destroying the immune system. You will just notice your cat losing weight, having fever, dehydrated, having teary eyes and running nose.
Transmission of the virus
  1. Contrary to HIV which is transmitted sexually, the common way by which FIV is transmitted is through bite wounds.
  2. Sharing food bowls – the chance of the virus to be passed on is low.
  3. Transmission through social interaction is low.
  4. Although it is a rare case, an infected mother can transmit the virus to her kittens.
  5. An infected cat cannot transmit the virus to humans. Pet owners have nothing to worry about.
Undergoing a series of blood tests to check its antibodies is the only way to determine if your cat has FIV. So once you have seen symptoms of oral infection, abscesses, anaemia, renal disease, cancer and those mentioned earlier, it is best to bring your cat to its vet. Let your pal undergo blood tests.

  1. After your cat has been diagnosed with the virus, it is necessary to employ measures so that the virus will not spread. As a pet owner, prepare for the adjustments that you need to do.
  2. Keep your cat indoor. Zero contact with other cats is a must. This will prevent contracting other infections.
  3. Modify your pet’s diet. While feline health experts say that most cats with FIV can live a normal life, find out what is best for your little friend’s health.
  4. Find a new home for your cat. If you want to be sure that other healthy cats at home will not get the virus, you can find another home.
  1. Keeping your cat indoor most of the time will lower the chance of getting the virus.
  2. There are vaccines against the virus. Have your pet regularly visit its vet to ensure that it stays healthy and free from diseases like FIV.

Source: Dubai Kennels and Cattery have website where you can get more information about pet care. Read articles to know more about your pet. 


  1. It is really important to pay attention to the health of our pets, whether it is a cat or a dog. Sometimes, symptoms do not manifest in the early stages and the best way to help and save our pets is by taking them to the vet for their regular check up. With that, health problems will be detected as soon as possible.

  2. I have been considering taking in a stray cat that has been hanging around my house. I hadn't ever considered that a cat may have FIV. Is this virus dangerous to humans? I have several children and I wouldn't want to comprise their health.
